Inspiration and fuel that start and continue! your journey. It will wake you up in the middle of the night to furiously scribble down an idea in a notebook on your nightstand, lest it ever get away from you. It helps you set your route, helping you identify peaks you want to climb and possible routes you can use to climb them. Women in : They're coders, designers, bloggers, social media fans, and everything in between. They're beer lovers, moms, intellectual seekers, travelers, writers, and educators. They contribute in ways that affect the platform code or design, the way the platform is taught, and more.
This article profiles some of the most influential women in the world. who are they? What did they do to drive the growing popularity? This post is not a tribute to popularity, but to those who really add value to the community. Below, they are listed alphabetically. Median Powerful Women Carrie Diels Mika phone number list Epstein Sarah Gooding Helen Housandie Siobhan McCown Andre Middleton Jean Milo Andre Aaron Nick Michelle Sulpri Sarah Sabine Wilson Takano Son Seddar Torah Bill Laurel Van Fusen Now, let's learn more about these important members of the community. is a developer and consultant from Texas, and she runs it. As a lecturer and podcaster, I often give back to the community by speaking on .
She's known for writing great tutorials on the subject, as well as business advice for freelancers. One of her most memorable talks was her talk in San Diego on Lead Generation: How Writing a Blog Can Get You the Type of Leads You Want? You can follow through on. Mika Epstein's women are working as experts, but she's probably best known as, a volunteer moderator of support forums. You can find her website at . Also gives talks on Twitter around the world and reviews plugins in the plugin directory. One of her most famous speeches is her speech on.