The Princess, The Stray Cat, And Matters Of The Heart _HOT_ Download For Pc
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Between Stella and Lucy, dissimilar as they were, there existed astrong cousinly affection. Stella, with all her bantering ways, wouldnever now go so far as seriously to annoy her, generally taking herside when she thought the others were too much for her. But thoughLucy tried earnestly to draw her cousin towards the knowledge of herSaviour, all such attempts seemed to glance off her, like raindropsfrom an oiled surface. She was quite satisfied with herself as shewas, and had not yet found out the insufficiency of the earthlypleasures which at present satisfied her. She believed, of course, inanother world, and the need of a preparation for it, but she thoughtthere was plenty of time for that; and it had never entered within therange of her comprehension that the change of heart, which is thenecessary preparation for a future life, is as necessary to livingeither well or happily in the present. So that Lucy was constantlyfeeling that, in the most important matters of all, there could be nogenuine sympathy between them.
Lucy did not forget to visit Nelly's stepmother, whose circumstancesremained much the same as in former times. She did not seem muchgratified by Lucy's praises of Nelly's good conduct. She had alwayspredicted that Nelly would "come to no good," and she did not like tohave her opinions in such matters proved fallacious. Lucy, however,rather enjoyed dilating upon Nelly's industry and usefulness, thatMrs. Connor might feel the mistake she had made, even in a worldlypoint of view, by her heartless conduct.[206] 2b1af7f3a8