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Torrent file is one of the most prevailing existences of online file sharing in every corner of the world. A torrent file often contains no content itself but the metadata about files and folders to be distributed. Torrent issue may be a little daunting to newbies and not accepted by everyone, but perhaps is the most effective way to find some special video contents, e.g, what are not supposed to be watched by the underage. Once you master them, though, you'll have access to any file you can imagine. If you are looking to download crowfunded indie movies in the highest possible quality, well, you have come to the right place.
Public tracker is everyone accessible. Because of its public nature, many torrents are tracked by copyright holders. Your internet service provider may take action if you download copyright protected movies from public trackers.
Do remember to follow the guide of how to download torrent movies safely. However, at times there are torrent errors you need to fix. What's worse: you should understand the movie copyright law in your country before take action. And you should also know that a video file downloaded from a torrent site is enormous in size (say, multiple gigabytes). To speed up torrent download process, learn what seeders and leecher are in torrent and tips for how to pick the fastest movie torrent with best SLR.
Netflix and ChillBinge watching shows and movies with your long distance BFF or S/O is so much easier now with Teleparty, formally Netflixparty. If you have the Chrome Browser, you can download the Teleparty extension and start watching shows from HBO, Netflix, Disney, and Hulu at the same time as your friends. Invite your friends to watch a movie by sending them an invitation link and voila, let the bingeing begin! 2b1af7f3a8