Free [EXCLUSIVE] Wamp Server For Mac Os X
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MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional frontend for the classic local server environment: MAMP. With MAMP PRO you can create a separate host for each of your web projects. You can install WordPress and other Extras like Joomla or Drupal with just a few clicks. This is just a small part of what you can do with MAMP PRO.
MAMP is a free, local server environment that can be installed under macOS and Windows with just a few clicks. MAMP provides them with all the tools they need to run WordPress on their desktop PC for testing or development purposes, for example. You can even easily test your projects on mobile devices. It does not matter whether you prefer the web server Apache or Nginx in addition to MySQL as database server, or whether you want to work with PHP, Python, Perl or Ruby.
It is a stack for Mac OS X which consists of Apache, MySQL and PHP. AMPPS is a MAMP stack which you can install on your Mac OS X. Apache is the web server, MySQL is the database and PHP is server side scripting language. This MAMP Stack ships with PHP, PEARL and Python server side scripting language, PEARL and Python runs on the CGI and mod_wsgi respectively an the Web server. Along with MySQL, AMPPS also provides the developers to work with MongoDB Database. To manage the databases and tables, phpMyAdmin for MySQL and RockMongo for MongoDB are provided.
This installation guide can't be useful for an installation on MAMP or XAMPP. If you are looking for an easy way to install Moodle on your local machine please use Complete install packages for Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6 Clients that can be downloaded from ... but if you are planning to set up a Moodle internet server on a Mac then you should think about some more security as the ever local package could give.
Please feel free to add your ideas and wishes to the discussion page for this article. You may also write a complete chapter if you tried the facts yourself on your own Mac Server. I am most interested to make the things better.
The Mac OS X 10.5.8 Server (Leopard) comes with PHP 5.2.6 ... this is correct for Moodle 1.9.x. But you have to add the missing GD Library support to get Moodle running on your server. For Moodle 2.0 the server must have PHP 5.2.8 (or better) and some more PHP extensions ... in this case you need to get the better PHP version. These instructions are helpful in both cases.
To see which PHP version and extensions are installed on your server you should edit the file /Library/WebServer/Documents/info.php. You must activate the function call phpinfo() by deleting the both slashes // at the start of the function line. After saving the file you can get all PHP informations in your browser. Please look at -server-address/info.php ... you will not find any GD library support ... bad thing for Moodle!!
The easiest way to get the GD library support and to get a better PHP version would be the installation of the complete PHP 5.3.0 package from Marc Liyanage precompiled this package to use it on Mac clients and Mac servers. Please get the package and install it by following the instructions on the download page. The installer does everything for you ... it copies PHP into the correct folder /usr/local/php5 and changes its owner to root automatically. You will find the file php.ini inside the new package folder. Open the file /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini and edit some settings for Moodle.
Now the Apache web server must get knowledge that you want to use the new PHP library instead of the old. Open the application Server Admin to switch to the new library. Go to the web server settings and find the entry php5_module. The normal place for PHP the Mac server is libexec/apache2/ Please change to /usr/local/php5/ and save the settings.
If you want to upload any file to your Moodle you should add a little bit more upload size in php.ini. If your server can't use more than 1 GB RAM you should set the memory_limit to a value less than 128M ... but it should have more than 48M for Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.0. Note that these sections are not likely to be consecutive in the php.ini file; the quickest way to find each one is search on the initial term (such as 'mysql.default_socket').
That's all ... save the file php.ini and restart the web server. Now you should look at -server-address/info.php again. I hope that everything will be okay. You will find the version number PHP 5.3.x and the running GD library support. Congratulations ... the first step for Moodle on your Mac server is done!
First of all start the Server Admin. You will find this program by the way Applications > Server > Server Admin. Activate MySQL on the local server. You must set the password for the user root before you can start MySQL.
Now you will be able to start -server-address/phpMyAdmin/ in your browser and to log into the database as the user root. Add a database moodle19. Add a database user moodle to the server localhost. Don't forget to set a secure password. The database user moodle should be allowed to administrate the database moodle19 only. It is a bad way to set root to administrate the database moodle19. If you want to install also Moodle 2.0 dev please add a second database moodle20 and use the same database user for it.
phpMyAdmin is a nice thing to look into the database while Moodle is running for some time. It's much easier to see in the graphical interface than in the command line tools. The image shows the database after Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2.0 were already installed on this server.
The documents for the web server are saved in the folder /Library/WebServer/Documents/. You will place your Moodle folder here after you got it from Download the standard package MOODLE_19_WEEKLY because this is the best choice for new servers. Set the owner _www for the moodle folder ... this is the user for the web server. The folder permissions should be 755 before the installation and 555 after it's done ... please remember to set this later!
You also need the moodledata folder outside of the Documents folder ... so please make one. Go to the folder /Library/WebServer/ and add the folder moodledata. Because I want to install Moodle 1.9.x and Moodle 2.0 dev together on the same Mac server I add two folders moodle19 and moodle20 inside the moodledata folder. Please set the owner _www for both folders moodle19 and moodle20 and the folder permissions to 755.
The installation on the Mac server is the same like the installation on every other server.Open a web browser to -server-address/moodle/install.php to begin the installation process.On the screen picture and in the shown config.php you see the web address your-server-address ... it's only a placeholder for a real address or url ... please set yours. Also a user 'moodle' with a password 'moodle' would be very unsafe settings for your installation.
After this, the web-based installation component will walk you through several screens worth of database configurations and updates, for most of which you'll just click the continue button. You'll set up an admin user and give the site a basic configuration (title, description, etc). When the installation is ready you should change the folder permission for /Library/WebServer/Documents/moodle19 to 555 so the web server is not able to write into this folder again.
In our case the service should get the web page -server-address/moodle19/admin/cron.php every 5 minutes. The configuration will be done by the file named moodle4mac.cron.plist which must be placed in the system folder /Library/LaunchDaemons/ ... surely you can use any other file name but it should say something about the function of the service. The extension must be .plist. After any reboot of your Mac server the cron service will start automaticly because the file is placed in the correct system folder.
For my server I needed to have a cron service for to instances moodle19 and moodle20 ... no problem ... with the typo moodle[19-20] the server will get a cron service for both instances.
To see if the cron service works correctly you should look at the access.log of your web server. The cron.php should be accessed every 5 minutes ... on my server for both Moodle instances moodle19 and moodle20 ... oh yes, it works!!
You can easily install the Apache web server (A), MySQL (M) and PHP (P) on your laptop or home PC. The three come bundled together, referred to as either the WAMP, MAMP or LAMP according to whether you are installing them on Windows (W), a Mac (M), or Linux (L).
Below you'll find instructions for WAMP, MAMP and LAMP. Feel free to send me corrections or improvements to these instructions. (Thanks to Sean Cormican and Conor Roche, whose comments have already been incorporated, and special thanks to Paul McGarry, who supplied all of the instructions for LAMP, based on instructions found here: -lamp-on-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/.)
Warning: There will be many, many small differences between your personal installation and the one we have here in UCC. A PHP script that you write might run at home but produce an error message on the CS1 server, or vice versa. Ensure that you test all your scripts on our server, since this is what I will use when grading your work. 2b1af7f3a8