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In City of Los Angeles v. Alameda Books, Inc. the Supreme Court struck down an ordinance that imposed a blanket ban on the operation of all adult entertainment businesses in certain zones within the City of Los Angeles. In that case, the Supreme Court considered a constitutional challenge to the City's zoning ordinance that restricted the location of adult entertainment establishments to specified zones.
As the licensing scheme is applied to each adult business, its proprietor must either locate within the zone in which the business is located or risk the loss of his license. Thus, the ordinance requires that an adult business obtain a license, the effective denial of which imposes a direct and substantial burden on the First Amendment rights of the adult business. As we have held, in order to survive such a burden, the State must assert a substantial interest and must employ means closely drawn to avoid unnecessary abridgement of First Amendment freedoms. The licensing scheme is not narrowly tailored to serve the purported interests of the City; rather, it is far too broad.
In the case of a zoning law that limits the location of adult establishments to certain zones, the Supreme Court explained that a municipality may enact a content-neutral time, place, and manner regulation to further its substantial interest in regulating the secondary effects of such businesses.
Ryder: We are going to make it as realistic as we can. You can expect to see adult in the game, but the over-all tone of the game is not to be taken as pornographic. We try to be realistic, but it's not our objective to make a pornographic game. Our objective is to make a game that people can experience. We want people to live out fantasies in a safe environment.
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