The Twins Effect Full Movie Eng Sub Download WORK Film
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The large body of literature on the association between blood pressure (BP) and cognitive functioning has yielded mixed results, possibly due to the presence of non-linear effects across age, or because BP affects specific brain areas differently, impacting more on some cognitive skills than on others. If a robust association was detected among BP and specific cognitive tasks, the causal nature of reported associations between BP and cognition could be investigated in twin data, which allow a test of alternative explanations, including genetic pleiotropy. The present study first examines the association between BP and cognition in a sample of 1,140 participants with an age range between 10 and 86 years. Linear and quadratic effects of systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP) on cognitive functioning were examined for 17 tests across five functions. Associations were corrected for effects of sex and linear and quadratic effects of age. Second, to test a causal model, data from 123 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs were analyzed to test whether cognitive functioning of the twins with the higher BP was different from that of the co-twins with lower BP. Associations between BP and cognitive functioning were absent for the majority of the cognitive tests, with the exception of a lower speed of emotion identification and verbal reasoning in subjects with high diastolic BP. In the MZ twin pair analyses, no effects of BP on cognition were found. We conclude that in the population at large, BP level is not associated with cognitive functioning in a clinically meaningful way.
By definition, monozygotic (MZ) twins carry an identical set of genetic information. The observation of early post-twinning mutational events was shown to cause phenotypic discordance among MZ twin pairs. These mutational events comprise genomic alterations at different scales, ranging from single nucleotide changes to larger copy-number variations (CNVs) of varying sizes, as well as epigenetic changes. Here, we performed whole-exome sequencing (WES) in nine discordant MZ twins to identify somatic mutational events in the affected twin that might exert a dominant negative effect. Five of these MZ twin pairs were discordant for congenital heart defects (CHD), two for endocrine disorders, one for omphalocele, and one for congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Analysis of WES data from all nine MZ twin pairs using the de novo probability tool DeNovoGear detected only one apparent de novo variation in TMPRSS13 in one of the CHD-affected twins. Analysis of WES data from all nine MZ twin pairs by using standard filter criteria without the de novo probability tool DeNovoGear revealed a total of 6,657 variations in which both the twin pairs differed. After filtering for variations only present in the affected twins and absent in in-house controls, 722 variations remained. Visual inspection for read quality decreased this number to 12, present only in the affected twin. However, Sanger sequencing of the overall 13 variations failed to confirm the variation in the affected twin. These results suggest that somatic mutational events in coding regions do not seem to play a major role in the phenotypic expression of MZ discordant twin pairs.
The 2015 documentary film Twinsters, tells the story of reared-apart MZ female twins, Samantha (Sam) Futerman and Anaïs Bordier. Born in South Korea, the twins were adopted separately as babies by couples living in the United States (Sam) and France (Anaïs). Their chance discovery of one another and their subsequent reunion and relationship are beautifully captured in the 2015 documentary film, Twinsters. Recent interviews with some of their family members are presented in Twin Research and Human Genetics for the first time. This is followed by brief reviews of recent twin research on a heteropagus twin, schizophrenia liability, epigenetics and homosexuality, and transgender-discordant twins. Finally, some newsworthy items are summarized, including the passing of reared-apart MZ twin Jack Yufe, an unusual twin father; identical twin models I; identical twin models II; and a pair of twin marines. 2b1af7f3a8