The Antisymmetry Of Syntax Kayne 1994 Pdf Download
The Antisymmetry Of Syntax Kayne 1994 Pdf Download --->>>
152LANGUAGE, VOLUME 74, NUMBER 1 (1998) Inoue, Kazuko. 1976. Henkei bunpoo to nihon-go. Tokyo: Taisyukan-Syoten. Kayne, Richard. 1994. The antisymmetry of syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Kjnsui, Satoshi. 1993. Judoo-bun no koyuu/hi-koyuu-sei ni tsuite. Kindaigo-Kenkyuu 9.474-508. ------. 1997. The influence of translation upon the historical derivation of the Japanese passive construction. Journal of Pragmatics, to appear. Klima, Edward S. 1964. Negation in English. The structure of language: Readings in the philosophy of language, ed. by J. Fodor and J. Katz, 246-323. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Kuno, Susumu. 1973. The structure of the Japanese language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Kuroda, S.-Y. 1965. Generative grammatical studies in the Japanese language. Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation . ------. 1969. Attachment transformations. Modern studies in English, ed. by D. A. Reibel and S. A. Schane, 331-51. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ------. 1972. The categorical and the thetic judgment: Evidence from Japanese syntax. Foundations of Language 9.153-85. ------. 1980. Bun no kozo. Nichi-ei hikaku koza, II: Bunpo, ed. by T. Kunihiro, 23-62. Tokyo: Taishukan. Masunaga, Kiyoko. 1988. Case deletion and discourse context. Japanese syntax, ed. by William J. Poser, 145-56. Stanford: CSLI. Matsuda, Yuki. 1996. A syntactic analysis of focus sentences in Japanese. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers (SCIL). McCawley, Noriko A. 1972. On the treatment of Japanese passives. Chicago Linguistic Society. 8.259-70. MiyAGAwa, Shigeru. 1989. Syntax and semantics 22: Structure and case marking in Japanese. New York: Academic Press. Nishigauchi. Taisuke. 1986. Quantification in syntax. Amherst: University of Massachusetts dissertation. Ogihara, Toshiyuki. 1987. 'Obligatory focus' in Japanese and type-shifting principles. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 6.213-27. Oka, Toshifusa. 1988. Subject in Japanese. Tsukuba, Japan: Tsukuba University, ms. Saito, Mamoru. 1983. Case and government in Japanese. West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 2.247-59. ------. 1985. Some asymmetries in Japanese andtheirtheoretical consequences. Cambridge, MA: MIT dissertation . Tada, Hiroaki. 1988. Comments on Aoun and Li's paper. Paper presented at the workshop on Japanese and Logical Form, University of California at San Diego. Takano, Yuji. 1996. Movement and parametric variation in syntax. Irvine: University of California dissertation Takezawa, Koichi. 1987. A configurational approach to case-marking in Japanese. Seattle: University of Washington dissertation. Ueyama, Ayumi. 1997. Scrambling in Japanese and bound variable construal. In Bennis et al. Watanabe, Akira. 1992. Subjacency and S-structure movement ofwh-in-situ. Journal ofEast Asian Linguistics 1.255-91. Department of Linguistics University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0002 [] Sounds like life: Sound-symbolic grammar, performance, and cognition in Pastaza Quechua. By Jams B. Nuckolls. (Oxford studies in anthropological linguistics.) New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. iv, 297. $65.00. Reviewed by Jill Brody, Louisiana State University This wonderful book is both highly original and technically masterful. It focuses on a category of words much neglected in linguistic analysis, though present in many of the world's languages, traditionally called 'ideophones'. Ideophones are nonarbitrary and incorporate some aspect of sound symbolism; because they carry meaning in a nonarbitrary fashion and are difficult to define in any ordinary sense, sound symbolic elements are often denied full word status, and REVIEWS153 their integration into the grammar of language has seldom been imagined, much less investigated. They have previously been very little explored, with notable exceptions being Feld 1982 and Mannheim 1991. Using data from the Pastaza dialect of Quechua, Nuckolls carries out a pioneering analysis of sound symbolic words both as they are used in everyday expression and as they function in grammar; this very connection of use and grammar represents the best in the tradition oflinguistic anthropology. In order to carry out this kind of analysis, a subtle and sophisticated knowledge of the language is required, especially since ideophones are undefinable in the traditional sense of the word. In her general introduction to the language and her fieldwork, N discusses her methodology of asking about sound symbolic words during the course of conversational narratives . In eight chapters she demonstrates that sound symbolic words are particularly well integrated into the language in that they function grammatically (in the aspectual and modal systems), performatively (as part... 153554b96e
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