Grand Prix (Midi Loop Pack) WAV MiDi
Grand Prix brings you a library full of dope and creative midi hi-hat loops and Wav. hi-hat loops to choose from. Not only does this kit include off-the-wall trap hat patterns that dominate most albums, it also includes live hi-hat wav. loops that can just as easily be used in G-Eazy style pop/crossover beats. No matter if you want to use the midi files exactly as they come or tweak them to your liking, this royalty-free kit will provide the right groove every time!
XLN Audio offers a large selection of MIDI drum packs on its website. The AD 2 midi packs cover a wide range of genres like indie, alternative, metal, rock, jazz as well as different styles of drumming like ballads, funk grooves, mallets and many others.
The Producer Pack features 8 volumes of MIDI drum loops plus additional multitrack sessions and the one of a kind Man vs. Moog pack. Looking for control over every drum hit? This is the ideal MIDI pack for songwriters looking to access a wide range of styles and sounds for the Addictive Drums 2 VST. Recorded on a set of Roland V drums and a mixture of high-end acoustic kits.
[Aside : BTW, you need to be structured in working through the Niko files, as the breakdown of the mids is not well explained. You should have three folders namelyNikos 1000 midi / Nikos bonus free addons / Nikos+MIDI+pack.As they are for piano, they assume a sharp attack and quick delay, and hence if you choose other patches, both duration and velocity might need to be tweaked.
The QS6 is a powerful multitimbral synthesizer from theeffects-box geniuses at Alesis. There's 64 voices of polyphonyand 16 parts multitimbrality and tons of memory and expand-abilitypacked into to this big, blue, beautifully laid out performancesynthesizer. Based on the original QuadraSynthseries, The QS6 has 8 MegaBytes of samples and uses digitaladditive/subtractive sample playback synthesis to create high qualitystereo grand pianos, organs, strings, drums/percussion, brass,woodwinds, new and classic synth textures, General MIDI, andrhythmic/sonic loops. Most of them sound pretty darn great too! HoweverAlesis had not yet fully anticipated the dance craze and so this is notone of those "physical-modeling" synths that began appearing at thesame time. And sadly, in addition to the north-bound Pitch/Mod wheels,there are only just two real-time assignable control sliders for livetweaking, which is not a lot at all. 2b1af7f3a8