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Complete these steps Select Nintendo eShop on the HOME Menu of your Nintendo Switch console.Select the account you want to redeem the content on.Select Enter Code on the left side of the screen.Enter the 16-character download code and select OK.Select which expansion pass you want from the Available Products list. Important Pokémon Sword Expansion Pass is only compatible with Pokémon Sword. Pokémon Shield Expansion Pass is only compatible with Pokémon Shield. Select Confirm to redeem the download code and begin downloading the content. You can check the download status on the HOME Menu. From the purchase confirmation screen, you can view your download codes for an in-game Pikachu Uniform Set and Eevee Uniform Set. These codes can also be viewed in the receipt you received via email or in your Nintendo eShop Purchase History.These codes can only be redeemed using the in-game Mystery Gift feature in Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield.After redeeming the codes, the uniform sets can be accessed by visiting the fitting room in any in-game boutique. The expansion pass content will become available at the time it is released and after the game has been updated to the most recent version. Isle of Armor: Available by 30 June 2020. Crown Tundra: Available by 30 November 2020.
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I had a download last night. I did a guided meditation to bring healing from source for my arthritis. Drifted off to sleep and awakened after an odd dream. Suddenly i felt my crown open and i saw what looked like pictures but the frames were moving so fast it was just a blur. It felt like a moving picture from the early days of motion pictures. I felt hyped, electric, like i had just drunk 20 cups of coffee. Then i saw cells. Billions and billions of them downloading into my body. I think or heard that my DNA changed. Suddenly i was aware it was a download. I was unable to fall back asleep for nearly an hour. Thank you for allowing us to express. I have studied metaphysics for 30 years and these are new to me. I appreciate having a place to share my experience and hear others. 2b1af7f3a8