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To view the connection, press Control. To store, pressSave. To raise or reset, press. To cancel, press. Above the overall settings for theLANDIRENZO software, the connection parameters of the Internet mustbe selected: Connection type. This field is of interest toall users whose devices have two interfaces, a modem and anintegral connection on the phone line. In this case, it is apossible to use a combination of both types of interface.
In this case, theInterner settings for each type of connection plus normal connectionparameters are stored in a file (.NET for example).LANTERNZO OMEGAS automatically locates and loads thismore specific than the normal settings and allows you to change theintegral connection on the phone line.
You do this: - Select Internet (both if a connection isavailable). - Select the type of Internet connection you have. - Select the connection parameters (modem for example).- Press Control. - Select the file where there is theLANTERNZO OMEGAS connection settings. - PressControl. - Select Save. - Press Finish. Finally, save the file thatconfers the settings (for example, LAN.NET). It is then used forthe next connection and can be saved by pressing on Save. You'llfind it by pressing Control and Select Save. d2c66b5586